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Letting Go: Finding Peace in Letting Go of a Parent’s Treasures

By Susan Bender

Losing a parent is one of the hardest experiences we face in life. The grief is deep, and the process of handling their belongings can feel like an impossible task. Every item tells a story, holds a memory, and represents a piece of the person we loved. I know this feeling intimately—not just as a professional auctioneer, but as someone who has gone through it myself with my own mother’s passing. 

After my mother passed, I found myself holding onto certain things that had belonged to her. Some were sentimental, others just familiar, but there was one piece in particular that my brother cherished more than I ever could have imagined. Even though I had originally purchased it from my parents years before, it held deep meaning for him in a way I hadn’t expected. That moment reminded me that what we leave behind isn’t just objects—it’s emotion, history, and connection.

The Guilt of Letting Go

One of the most common struggles I see in my clients, especially older individuals, is the deep emotional attachment to possessions. Many don’t want to let go, even when they know they don’t have the space, because these objects represent memories, milestones, and family history.

When I sit down with a client who is struggling to part with something, I take a calm, compassionate approach. I gently remind them that while an item might no longer fit into their life, it can bring joy to someone else. That piece of furniture, that heirloom, that cherished vase—it’s not losing its meaning. It’s just finding a new chapter in someone else’s story.

For families handling a parent’s estate, the guilt of not keeping everything can be overwhelming. I often hear things like:
💬 “I feel bad selling this—it meant so much to Mom.”
💬 “Dad loved this chair. I don’t want to get rid of it, but I have no place for it.”
💬 “I don’t want to see it go, but I don’t want it to sit in storage either.”

The truth is, no one wants guilt to be part of the grieving process. And it doesn’t have to be.

Passing Items On With Purpose

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work at DejaVu Estate Liquidations and Auctions is matching treasured items with the perfect new owner—someone who will cherish them just as much as their original family did. I tell my clients:

“Your parents’ belongings don’t have to sit in a closet collecting dust. Instead of holding onto something out of obligation, allow it to bring joy to someone new.”

I’ve seen heirloom furniture go to young families just starting out, excited to have a beautiful dining set where they can make their own memories. I’ve seen antique jewelry become treasured gifts for new generations. I’ve seen vintage collectibles light up the eyes of someone who has been searching for that exact piece for years.

It’s not just about selling—it’s about giving these items a second life.

Finding Peace in Letting Go

Losing a loved one is painful. Sorting through their things can be emotional. But it’s important to remember: keeping an item doesn’t keep the person. Their legacy isn’t in the furniture, the clothes, or the trinkets. It’s in the love they gave, the lessons they taught, and the memories that live in our hearts.

If you are facing the difficult task of clearing out an estate, my team and I at DejaVu Estate Liquidations and Auctions are here to help with care, expertise, and understanding. We specialize in making the process easier—helping families honor their loved ones by finding the right home for their cherished belongings.

📍 Located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, we have been voted “Best of the Best” in Palm Beach County for seven consecutive years. Our team of experts specializes in valuing vintage furniture, fine art, designer handbags, antiques, and more.

📞 Call us today at (561) 225-1950 or visit for a free consultation. Let’s find the perfect new home for your treasures—one where they’ll continue to be loved.


Voted BEST Auction and Estate Sales Company in Palm Beach County